Lindsey Wilson College is a four-year liberal arts college affiliated with the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church. Their mission is to serve the educational needs of students by providing a living-learning environment within an atmosphere of active caring and Christian concern where every student, every day, learns and grows and feels like a real human being. As part of an aggressive building campaign, LWC added a beautiful, new two-story, 25,000 square foot, state-of-the-art nursing and counseling center in the Fall of 2011. Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. worked closely with the college’s staff and the architectural firm to ensure LWC’s design needs were achieved.
- Copper and PEX water piping system
- Fan powered terminal units with electric re-heat serves all exterior zones
- Variable air volume terminal units for the interior zones
- The state-of-the-art nursing training area
- Clean agent fire suppression system for the server room.
- 100 kW natural gas emergency generator located on the roof for the emergency load of the building
- Evaluation for a rainwater harvesting system
- Extensive HVAC systems evaluation