Do you need a property condition assessment?
One of the biggest risks when buying a building is unforeseen problems with the property. Of those unforeseen issues, the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) systems represent a significant risk. Power outages, cold/hot work spaces, and leaking pipes are just a few of the issues that you may experience with existing MEP systems, and the … Continue reading “Do you need a property condition assessment?”
How much energy should your building use?
How much energy should your building use? Is its usage comparable to similar buildings? How can you reduce it? These are relative questions and sometimes hard to quantify and assess, especially if you only own or occupy one building. However, the answers could identify potential savings for your business and reduce your building’s impact on … Continue reading “How much energy should your building use?”
What’s the right HVAC system for your building?
Choosing the right HVAC system for your building may not be an easy task, complicated by the fact that there is no “right” answer. There are many types of HVAC systems and all have unique attributes. It is important to consider the application, use, and project’s goals to determine which characteristics, and ultimately which system, … Continue reading “What’s the right HVAC system for your building?”
Standing Out as a Professional
In an engineering firm, professionalism is key to earning the trust of clients. Professional engineers are hired because of a distinct skillset earned through years of education and experience. Professional engineering firms provide skills and consulting services, and clients trust them for advice and guidance. Often, professional engineers are advising clients on decisions that cost … Continue reading “Standing Out as a Professional”
Planning for MEP System Capital and Operating Expenses
Understanding the costs of conducting business is critical to the profitability of that business. One aspect that is often overlooked is the maintenance and replacement of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) systems. These systems are easy to overlook because the expenses to maintain them seem optional. If you skip a month or year you may … Continue reading “Planning for MEP System Capital and Operating Expenses”
Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc.’s Projects Recognized in AIA Kentucky 2018 Awards
Four of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc.’s projects won 2018 Awards for Excellence in Architectural Design from AIA Kentucky. The Honor Awards recognize architecture designed by Kentucky architects that demonstrate design excellence while promoting awareness and appreciation of the diversity, quality, and score of Kentucky architecture. South Central Regional Library won the Honor Award for new … Continue reading “Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc.’s Projects Recognized in AIA Kentucky 2018 Awards”
Why Hire an Engineer?
Why hire an engineer? Are they necessary? The answer is, not so simple at times. Law stipulates that a professional must design certain projects — healthcare facilities, high-hazard buildings, and buildings that have an occupancy of more than 100 people, to name a few. Aside from specific project types, an engineer is not required by … Continue reading “Why Hire an Engineer?”
The Importance of Building Envelope Testing
Energy codes have advanced to the point where small breaches in envelope integrity can lead to claims of HVAC size insufficiency. Each version of energy codes reduces building energy use below the level of its predecessor. This has been accomplished through improved building envelopes, increased HVAC efficiency, reduced lighting power densities, and lower internal equipment … Continue reading “The Importance of Building Envelope Testing”
Old Forester Distillery – The Importance of Collaboration
The recently completed Old Forester Distillery is a testament to the need for collaboration throughout the design and construction process. This project combines historical construction, customer experience, sophisticated industrial processes, sustainable design, and high hazard materials into one aesthetic package. There may not be another facility that combines the amount of technology, uses, processes, equipment, … Continue reading “Old Forester Distillery – The Importance of Collaboration”
A Q&A with Ben Gries, President, Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc.
Ben Gries took over the reins at Kerr-Greulich as President in January of 2017. With a year under his belt leading the now 35-year old company, Ben took a little time away from his busy schedule to answer some questions about the industry and his mentor and colleague, Don Greulich. Q: What is the … Continue reading “A Q&A with Ben Gries, President, Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc.”